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How have the lyrics of the most popular songs in the US changed over time?

Why Does It Matter?

From lullabies to birthday to dirges, music color and reflect our experiences. Music provides insight in the culture, norms, rituals, and values of a society. I am interested in observing the zeitgeist of the US through the years and how it changes. In relation to the data, I am interested in what popular music--specifically the number one single in Billboard's charts--can say about the people in the era and society.

Although the most popular song is decided by a wide variety of factors, one of the factors is the appeal to the general public, which is why I can gain insight to the time period through its popular songs. It may bold assumption to make, but I think the lyrics of the songs every decade would be able to at least reflect, if not the zeitgeist, some aspect of the culture at that decade.
